Can you install PPF over a vinyl wrap?

Can you install PPF over a vinyl wrap?

Paint Protection Film can be installed on top of a vinyl wrap, but not the other way around.

Most high-end PPF films are hydrophobic so if you tried to wrap vinyl on top of it; it will not stick.

Although doing this is not very common as the cost is astronomical to get a vehicle vinyl wrapped and additionally covered in PPF, usually, you choose one or the other.

If it is something you wish to do; perhaps, rather than wrapping the whole car in PPF, select spots that are more prone to damage like the front bar and bonnet. You must also keep in mind that having PPF installed over the top of a vinyl wrap would void the vinyl warranty.

But the PPF certainly will protect the original paintwork and vinyl wrap from surface scratches, UV exposure, hard water deposits and acid rain, which are all elements that will kill a wrap if overexposed to them.



 We’d be more than happy to answer it for you! I love helping people better understand the wrap industry. 

 As wrap shops, we do an amazing job of creating content that is aesthetic based and why not! Vehicle wrapping is one of the most photogenic industries to be in!  We create an product that is completed in a relatively short amount of time; so the before and after results are so captivating!

 We place a focus on educating clients around the nature of a wrap. A lot of clientele may have no idea what a wrap is, so we believe it’s important to shed as much light as we can. At Drive we have a focus on correctly educating our clients on our product so they can make an informed decision on if it’s the right choice for them and how to get the best life out of their new wrap.