Should I get a commercial wrap?

Should I get a commercial wrap?

Consider the benefits of getting a wrap or signage on your commercial vehicles:

Vehicle signage is one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising; as a signed car is spreading brand awareness while on the job, think of your car as a moving billboard!

We will work with you to design a wrap that not only showcases your business, but suits your budget as well.

When it comes to surface coverage, our recommendation is a partial wrap.

Partially wrapping a car can be just as visually impactful as a fully wrapped car, we highly recommend partial wraps as they provide the best value for your dollar.

A partial wrap uses less vinyl, and we can design around areas that are more difficult to install wrap.



 We’d be more than happy to answer it for you! I love helping people better understand the wrap industry. 

 As wrap shops, we do an amazing job of creating content that is aesthetic based and why not! Vehicle wrapping is one of the most photogenic industries to be in!  We create an product that is completed in a relatively short amount of time; so the before and after results are so captivating!

 We place a focus on educating clients around the nature of a wrap. A lot of clientele may have no idea what a wrap is, so we believe it’s important to shed as much light as we can. At Drive we have a focus on correctly educating our clients on our product so they can make an informed decision on if it’s the right choice for them and how to get the best life out of their new wrap.



 Sam Rodgers